We selected cases for this series from the toxicology consult service database for patients suspected of SC use

To approximate effects on such a short time frame, we also examined the association between change in psychiatric problems and contemporaneous change in substance use. We followed the same modeling strategy as in our primary models, but adjusted for one-year-lagged versions of all covariates . Table 6 presents the rate of contemporaneous changes in substance…

Our sensitivity analysis suggested that this result was not due to high utilizers leaving the KPNC healthcare system

Patients with deductible plans that do not include SUD as a covered benefit are responsible for bearing the cost of those services until their deductible is reached, and/or the accumulating cost of copays for multiple visits as part of the SUD care model. We did not include type of insurance as a covariate due to its…

Issues of ethnic classification continue to play an important role in health research

Researchers use this data to track the extent to which ethnic groups consume drugs and alcohol, exhibit specific alcohol and drug using practices and develop substance use related problems. In so doing, particular ethnic minority or immigrant groups are identified as high risk for developing drug and alcohol problems. In order to monitor the extent…

It is not possible to tell from this study which explanation is more plausible

Disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may have been disproportionately harmful to people who use illicit drugs. Since March of 2020, the United States and Canada have experienced large increases in drug overdoses, overdose-related emergency department visits, and drug overdose deaths across multiple jurisdictions, particularly those involving stimulants and fentanyl . While the cause of…

The study period was short and may not have been sufficient to show long-term associations

Disruptions in diet are common during stressful times. Similar to the present study, a study of Belgian university students found students with more stress and less physical activity were at greatest risk for increased snacking during a stressful final exam period . COVID-19 SIP is a more widespread, disruptive, long-term stressful circumstance than a final…

Variation occurs along the temporal dimension as well

Drawing on this approach, we understand experience as meaningful sensory perception in temporal context and within particular cultural, social, and interpersonal settings and subjectivity as the more or less enduring structure of experience. With respect to mental illness, this approach invites anthropological recognition of struggle as a fundamental human process that comes to light in…

Our study was not powered to detect a prehospital ROSC or survival benefit in cardiac arrest patients

These observations suggest that deployment of a pediatric EGA can successfully decrease the need for prehospital intubation. Although prior research suggests no improvement in neurologic outcome with ETI,the skill is taught as part of the EMT-Paramedic National Standard Curriculum and still widely practiced in EMS agencies across the U.S.As many EMS agencies progress toward widespread…

Respiratory diagnoses were found to be predictive not only of 30-day recidivism but of frequent recidivism

Within the EMTP curriculum, specific longitudinal educational trainings on the diagnosis and treatments of MSI and fractures were provided through lectures and workshops. Research studies regarding the epidemiology of injuries and the impact of emergency training on patient outcomes have been conducted, although specific epidemiology regarding fractures and the impact of training on patient outcomes…

These findings lend support to concerns regarding the addictiveness of e-cigarettes for adolescents

Eligible participants who provided informed consent were scheduled for a baseline session where they completed self-report measures and provided a saliva sample for cotinine testing. Participants returned for follow-up measures and cotinine testing 6 and 12 months after baseline. Study incentives were $30 for the baseline, $35 for the 6-month, and $40 for the 12-month…

Many individuals are using substances to cope with stress and uncertainty around the pandemic

Maintaining a static and homogenous approach towards ethnic categorizations in the alcohol and drugs fields presents at least two problems. First, it risks overlooking how drugs and alcohol play into a person’s negotiation of identity, particularly ethnic identity, thus revealing little about the pathways that lead to substance use. Cultural researchers have long emphasized the…