Most notable is uncertainty over enforcement of federal laws prohibiting marijuana

Journalistic accounts and my own elite interviews have highlighted the importance of mobilizing employees in the growing political sway of the marijuana industry, especially in states that have adopted adult-use legalization . A second reason members might support industries with a presence in their districts draws on the logic of structural power . Because their re-election prospects…

Most groups are affected by policy decisions in multiple states and the federal government

While the upshot of Tiebout’s model is generally positive, firms’ and individuals’ mobility across the federal system can also have negative consequences. Government competition for mobile individuals and firms can lead to a regulatory “race to the bottom” to the extent that governments seek to attract business investment, and believe that they can do so…

Intimate partner violence is also a correlate of drug use and harmful alcohol consumption

The mean age at baseline was 33 years and most participants were male; 25% were female and 78% had more than a 9th grade education. More men than women were employed. The monthly median income was 20,000 Rubles , approximately $550 USD at a conversion rate averaged over the time of survey administration , and women appeared more likely than men…

Studies during a similar period suggest increased BDZ quantity and dosage among those filling prescriptions

Exclusion criteria were as follows: treatment seeking for AUD, current diagnosis of substance use disorder other than nicotine or alcohol, lifetime diagnosis of moderate-to-severe substance use disorder other than nicotine, alcohol, or cannabis, a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or any psychotic disorder, current suicidal ideation, current use of non-prescription drugs, other than cannabis, use of cannabis more than twice weekly, clinically significant physical…

The ability to process caloric alcoholic beverages may be linked to individual differences in alcohol consumption

The GSCAN consortium recently showed that there are at least 13 independent signals with minor allele frequencies over 0.001 at 4q23 . Intriguingly, several of those loci are also strongly implicated in non-psychiatric, somatic traits . Beyond the alcohol metabolizing genes, the region containing the genes beta-klotho and the Fibroblast growth factor 21 has been robustly associated…

Consistent condom use can effectively reduce sexual transmission of both HIV and STIs

Another study amongst migrant MSM in Beijing, China found that having a foreign MSM friend was significantly associated with HIV infection. It is possible that foreigners who have sex with Vietnamese MSM may have higher risks of HIV infection, since they may also have sex with other MSM in other countries where they travel. We…

There are many other unwritten rules that prevent the mentally ill from attaining full access to human rights

The one present clinical psychologist overwhelmingly offers counselling, family therapy, individual therapy, and behavioural therapy to all of the hospital’s outpatients and inpatients. Due to this unfathomable ratio of one psychologist to around 17,265 patients, the quality of therapy and frequency of contact is low, and Dr. Dzadey proposed that there should be a minimum…

Smoking is far more detrimental to public health than many other substances

Its purpose is broad, and thus its strict requirements aim to curb smoking habits by diminishing trademarks and advertising on all tobacco products.Other member and non-member states that choose to import tobacco products into Australia will face identical stringent regulations. Unlike the European Communities in EC-Trademarks and Geographical Indications, Australia has no reciprocity requirement for…

It uses the therapeutic stance of motivational interviewing which is collaborative and client-centered

Additionally, the practice quit model demonstrated specificity in which bupropion, an FDA-approved medication for smoking cessation, increased number of days abstinent, whereas modafinil, a medication ineffective for smoking cessation, was no different than placebo. The success of the practice quit attempt model for screening medications for nicotine dependence provides a basis for the development of…

The ability to process caloric alcoholic beverages may be linked to individual differences in alcohol consumption

Previous studies have shown that FGF21 and KLB are involved in sweet and alcohol preference in mice , and a recent study in humans found increased FGF21 expression in blood after binge drinking . These findings suggest that KLB and FGF21 act as part of a brain-liver endocrine axis that regulates alcohol consumption. Future studies…