Texas had the largest percent decrease of across all definitions of dairies

The National Agricultural Statistics Service , which conducts the Census, attempts to gather responses from every farm in the United States, where a farm is defined as, “is any place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the census year.” NASS uses a complex…

Coragen and Macho insecticides were applied through the drip irrigation

Seedlings were grown for two weeks in a greenhouse with temperatures ranging between 22-35o C following a 12-hour lighting regiment emitted by high-pressure sodium light bulbs. Fertilizer, Nu-Crop , was incorporated in the irrigation water. After two weeks, seedlings were moved outside for three days to harden them to field conditions before transplanting. Seedlings were transplanted…

The winter preceding the 2017 growing season was the wettest on record

The two external sources — delivery and municipal — were consolidated into a single category . Because staff from the water quality control board were not able to corroborate the accuracy of reported data, enrollees may have classified water sources erroneously. A well placed in proximity to a stream, for example, might properly qualify as…

The advent of the Internet has done the most to democratize access to the means of representation

Popular culture, including novels, film, music, and television shows have also been important sites for representing the discourse of prohibition. In turn the drug policy reform movement has greatly expanded its ability to challenge the discourse of prohibition by using the Internet, a topic I turn to in greater detail in chapter three. Despite the earnest…

Social movement scholars have focused on a variety of questions over the past century and a half

While they have often been critical of drug policy, these scholars have rarely had the opportunity to analyze how drug policy becomes more liberal. The emergence and growth of medical cannabis in California presents a unique case of drug policy becoming less punitive. Consequently, it provides me with interesting questions as a scholar of drug…

It is not known whether this virus can persist in these fish throughout the production cycle

Based on reported fish movement data, the externally scheduled events showed a moderate increase during the study period, except for the enter events, and exhibited seasonal variation. External transfers increased from autumn through to spring, decreasing during summer, showing the seasonality in the smolt stocking in autumn and spring, and the spawning season in winter, where…

A major reason behind this was the difficulty in efficiently computing the derivatives for a complex model

Potential entrants in markets that opened up in the years after 2000 tend to have higher levels of experience at vertically integrated entry, which is likely to lower their costs of entering as an integrated firm. If the effect of past vertical entry experience is not fully captured by the Downstream Experience and Upstream Experience…