During a cognitive task, these ongoing processes are suspended as attention is shifted to the task demands, resulting in reduced cingulate activation. Such anterior cingulate deactivation has been observed across a variety of tasks, and increases with greater working memory demands, suggesting reallocation of attentional and working memory resources . Thus, subtle attentional and working…
All posts tagged indoor cannabis grow
Proposition 2 implies that congregational mergers should increase the adoption rate of new technologies
Pastors, trained in centralized seminary programs, were a scarce and expensive resource, occasionally serving multiple congregations at once. Pastors in these roles frequently pressured their congregations to consolidate resources and merge into a single entity ; Grace Lutheran Church.Importantly, these congregational mergers occurred for reasons that were unrelated to agricultural fertilizer use. Indeed, we show…
Norms and attitudes around marijuana use are rapidly changing
As a reminder, for the purposes of this dissertation, motives were conceptualized as cognitive explanations for a behavior that provides insight into the context and circumstances of a behavior . However, in line with Cooper’s Motivational Model of Alcohol Use which is based on Cox and Klinger’s model , use of alcohol and/or other drug…
Oblique rotation was favored over orthogonal rotation as it allows for factors to covary
Gender matters when examining the association between substance use and mental health outcomes, not only because prevalence rates of depression, anxiety, and substance use differ by gender , but also because what drives individuals to use might differ by gender as well as the ensuing use behaviors. Additionally, although differences in use prevalence continue to…
Microbial larvicides are also considered safe for non-target organisms and human health
Human population size for each cluster, stratified into three age groups will be ascertained from our existing data. We will obtain age-group level aggregated morbidity data from local hospitals and clinics where the sampled residents seek treatment. These clinical data are reported to the Ministry of Health of Kenya and hence are publicly available. We will determine…
Another promising therapeutic approach is the use of plants to produce immunoadhesins
A recent survey of the opinions of key stakeholders in two EU Horizon 2020 programs , discussing the barriers and facilitators of PMPs and new plant breeding techniques in Europe, indicated that the current regulatory environment was seen as one of the main barriers to the further development and scale-up of PMP programs . Realizing current…
Tsai and colleagues provide suggestions for anti-stigma interventions at multiple levels to achieve this goal
Currently about 1 in 5 people with opioid use disorders receive any kind of treatment; if treatment coverage were doubled to 40%, Marks and colleagues’ model suggests that the number of initiations into injection drug use could fall significantly. This is an underappreciated benefit of opioid agonist treatment and underscores its potential public health impact, extending…
The most common comorbidities were hypertension and coronary artery disease
It is important to note that sleep hygiene alone is not efficacious for chronic insomnia. CBT-I should be implemented by a trained provider or web-based program supported by clinical data. In-person CBT-I options are often limited by an insufficient number of trained clinicians, cost/insurance barriers, and time intensity . Recent studies support the use of…
The majority of subjects in this study developed protective HBsAb titers during the course of the study
A standard three-dose vaccination for HBV was delivered by intramuscular injection at day 0, 1 month, and 6 months. Marijuana smokers were admitted overnight to the UCLA General Clinical Research Center for vaccination and given 3 standardized MJ cigarettes to be smoked during the first day and 1 MJ cigarette on the following morning . HBV vaccination occurred…
All follow-up PSU maintained abstinence from all substances except tobacco
A recent review describes deficits related to working memory, visuospatial functions, inhibition, and executive-based functions such as mental flexibility, problem solving, divided attention , and cognitive control . AUD also exhibit worse cognitive efficiency than controls . Of clinical relevance, inhibitory control deficits are greater in actively drinking alcoholics compared to controls and they predict relapse…