The molecular alterations were consistent with the observed phenotypes, as stress exposure induced anxiety like behavior in offspring with pre-gestational WIN exposure, compared to controls without pre-gestational WIN exposure. The epigenetic changes in the offspring could have been due to direct epigenetic modifications on the sperm or testes, as well as related to disruptions in the…
All posts tagged grow marijuana
Studies of brain structural measures and cannabis use in youth and young adults also have produced mixed results
We combined data from different generations to serve as a comparison group for the Baby Boomer cohort. These different generations do not necessarily have the same prevalence of use or patterns of consumption. As a result, it would be inappropriate to use the results from this comparison group as predictive; for example, the observation of…
Limits on the over concentration of outlets in vulnerable neighborhoods and buffers around alcohol outlets were rare
Web-scraped data included the outlet address and offerings . We geocoded the addresses to 2019 block groups using the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service . are the most granular geographic level at which the Census Bureau reports demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, and are considered reasonable proxies for neighborhoods.32Covariates included in the adjustment set were factors hypothesized…
Data among our participants seem to support this as only 30% of those who were HIV negative reported current PrEP use
Our finding that interruptions in mental health care directly linked to substance use, which in turn was linked to other negative outcomes, suggests that strategies to ensure continuity of care among this population are critical. The interruptions in care during the COVID-19 pandemic may be partly explained by loss of employment and subsequent loss of…
Study materials and procedures were approved by the University of Michigan Medical School Institutional Review Board
Taken together,findings underscore that alterations in cortical metrics are likely dynamic and influenced by age,pre-existing vulnerabilities,and exogenous factors such as marijuana use.Continuing to study associations between cortical metrics and substance use is important given estimates have been linked to cognitive functioning in several studies in our laboratory and others.Alcohol likely has similar deleterious consequences on the brain.The…
The coarse particles produced a naturally less dense material while the fine grade of shiv a naturally more dense material
In all cases the anisotropic internal structure of the material accounts for the clear variation in both mechanical and thermal properties of the material with testing direction. This is found to be most consistent in the thermal conductivity with a significantly lower thermal conductivity for all variations of hemp-lime in the parallel loading direction. As the…
A joint-year is defined by a history of smoking one joint per day times the number of years smoked
Natural fibers are semi-crystalline materials composed generally of an amorphous part basically consisting of the macromolecules of lignin and hemicellulose and a crystalline portion of cellulose. The X-ray diffractograms of treated and untreated hemp fibers are indicated in Fig. 3, they show the presence of peaks characteristic to cellulose molecule located at , 15.2° and 16.6°,correspond respectively…