Congressional negotiations on the composition of the bill typically take between two to three years

Such changes have been facilitated by a mix of high-tech globalized financial systems and labor markets, speculative financial markets, corporate control over the public sphere, increased commodification of human heritages , and increased consumerism. inequality, are also antithetical to one another, despite recent gains in terms of USDA Civil Rights settlements and slowly increasing participation…

Very few studies explicitly examine local farmer knowledge in the context of alternative agriculture

A noticeable spike in PURE indices appeared in 1998 for organic agriculture caused by a single application of copper sulfate with an application rate of 150 lb/acre, which is ten times larger than the average application rate and clearly a data abnormality. The PURE index is a measure of environmental impacts on the per acre…

Another study examined the impact of cannabis on the gut microbiota and diet-induced obesity in mice

Lastly, future studies examining the effect of marijuana legalization on adolescent marijuana use should assess mediation by marijuana availability as a potentially important locus of intervention, particularly as more governments are likely to adopt liberalized marijuana policies. Researchers should seek to better understand this association and its environmental determinants, including in South America with additional years…

Natural disease was the second-most frequent cause of mortality in our study

We used a multinomial logistic regression model to assess the effects of several variables on the relative frequencies of cause-specific mortality which consisted of “natural disease,” “poisoning,” “predation,” and “human-caused,” however, we excluded unknown causes. We pooled human-caused mortalities with those from vehicular strike as “vehicular/ human” for modeling due to small sample sizes and…

Multiple studies have aimed to describe the role of cannabinoids in appetite stimulation

Estimated associations were imprecise because of the small number of units that were included in the analysis,but are meaningful for the study jurisdictions. Cities and unincorporated county areas that had 8 or more cannabis control policies generally had greater population density, more renters, fewer family households, more crowded households, and higher densities of social organizations compared with…

The new adjustments created a space for the development of the legal cannabis industry

The proposition did not have the force of law but simply declared the city’s support of medical cannabis. The ballot passed with 79 percent of the vote. The backing of the city administration encouraged Peron to launch the San Francisco cannabis buyers’ club, whose main goal was to provide safe access to quality controlled medicine so…

State authorities viewed cannabis as a symbol of the counterculture and a catalyst for political change

The drug problem was on the radar of social scienThists for many decades. In the 1960s, drug use became a politically contentious matter. Following the general resentment about drugs, scholarly literature contributed to the policy agenda by questioning the social and historical roots of drug regulation . Typically, scholars framed the drug problem through two…

Plastic covers were placed on the top of the cages to protect cages from rains

The California Department of Public Health should have complete authority over packaging of marijuana and marijuana products. This authority should explicitly include, which the initiative does not, the option of requiring plain packaging. Plain packaging could contain graphic images of the specific health risks of marijuana use similar to those required for cigarettes in Australia…