Initiating marijuana use in early adolescence is an important prognosticator for subsequent drug dependence

Data collection on state medical marijuana laws included gathering all state statutes and subsequent regulations, and validating information against publicly available data sources and through telephone calls with state officials. Throughout the study, we conducted regular updates to monitor changes in regulations and amendments to state laws . Analyses incorporated a dichotomous measure reflecting whether…

A significant portion of MAUCRSA is comprised of testing rules that aim to certify cannabis safety

Variables believed to be con-founders for this study encompassed population level and individual level variables that may affect the exposure and the outcome.These variables included state’s cannabis regulatory status, state’s COVID-19 infection prevalence, state’s percent urbanicity, age, sex, and education.State’s cannabis regulatory status is hypothesized as a con-founder as state’s legalization may be associated with state’s…

The surveillance of the adverse health effects of cannabis is also a key priority of the US FDA

Adult criminal justice systems are incorporating MI techniques through digital health interventions to reduce substance use and in staff trainings to promote overall harm reduction and associated consequences, but studies are with those already using substances.Our data suggests focusing on youth’s internal distress , and cannabis use expectancies, , for those in first-time legal contact…

The self-reported use further indicates the need to study cannabis to understand its potential risks versus benefits

The lack of significant adverse effects in this study encourages further investigation into the use of cannabis-based interventions including CBD to treat chronic SCD pain in prospective trials with a larger cohort over a longer duration.Questionnaire-based approaches have provided insight into the prevalence of cannabis use in the SCD community, and these studies have given first-hand…

Vasoactive SP and CGRP lead to neurogenic inflammation by stimulating vascular permeability in sickle mice

Alternatively, subtle mood dysregulation may be a risk-factor for riskier cannabis use consumption.Proposed theories accounting for these functional and behavioral differences in cannabis users may have multiple underlying etiologies.Chronic young adult cannabis users demonstrate abnormal CB1 receptor density in the ACC ; thus, frequent cannabis use may influence continued white matter myelination and gray matter pruning…

Additional research in this area is needed to better inform treatment interventions

Findings from this online survey of veterans recruited from a pro-marijuana legalization listserv showed that MC users had more PTSD symptoms and greater combat exposure than RC veterans as well as lower levels of alcohol use.Veteran research can greatly inform federal and state cannabis-related policies, which are in constant flux yet shifting toward more tolerant practices…

Studies of brain structural measures and cannabis use in youth and young adults also have produced mixed results

We combined data from different generations to serve as a comparison group for the Baby Boomer cohort. These different generations do not necessarily have the same prevalence of use or patterns of consumption. As a result, it would be inappropriate to use the results from this comparison group as predictive; for example, the observation of…

Limits on the over concentration of outlets in vulnerable neighborhoods and buffers around alcohol outlets were rare

Web-scraped data included the outlet address and offerings . We geocoded the addresses to 2019 block groups using the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service . are the most granular geographic level at which the Census Bureau reports demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, and are considered reasonable proxies for neighborhoods.32Covariates included in the adjustment set were factors hypothesized…

Findings suggest increased amygdala volume in female users compared to female non-users

Future research might better characterize the legislative goals of the cannabis industry using additional review of campaign expenditures, legislative testimony, and using key informant interviews. According to the 2011 Monitoring the Future Study, marijuana remains the most commonly used illicit drug in adolescence in the United States, one of few increasing in prevalence. In fact,…

Non-infectious pulmonary diagnoses were more common in both marijuana and tobacco smokers

Participants were followed until their first incident diagnosis, loss to follow-up, death, or end of study in 2014, whichever came first. For each outcome, models were fit separately for HIV+ and HIV− participants using two time-varying variables for marijuana and tobacco smoking: Model 1, current marijuana smoking and prior two-year average tobacco smoking , and Model 2,…