Parasitic helminths infect an estimated two billion individuals worldwide

COVID-19-related stressors and coping activities were associated with changes in the frequency of drunkenness among participants with symptoms of AUD and in both abstinent and non-abstinent participants in remission prior to the pandemic, but not among individuals without a past history of AUD. Among all groups with a history of AUD , perceived stress was…

A SNP in INHBA-AS1 had been previously identified in a dental caries GWAS along with a loci in the INHBA gene

A complete list of the 41 phenotypes tested and their ICC values can be found in Additional file 1: Tables S4 and S11.Twin modeling approaches are used to estimate the amount of variance attributable to additive genetics , common environment or dominance , and unique environment. An ACE or ADE model was constructed for each of…

Messages include similar components varied throughout the 30-day messaging period

Health coaches elicit how participants manage challenges to build self-efficacy based on prior success and explore barriers, and use rulers to elicit confidence and commitment to change by elaborating change talk. The health coaches close with a strategic summary, eliciting a next step toward goals. Health coaches review tailored resources, such as obtaining naloxone, and…

The clinical and neurocognitive assessments of ALC and CON are detailed elsewhere

We measured in opiate dependent individuals’ metabolite concentrations from the ACC and previously unexplored DLPFC and OFC and related them to quantitative measures of neurocognition, self-regulation, and substance use. Specifically, we compared opiate dependent individuals on buprenorphine maintenance to controls . We also included another control group, a substance-dependent ‘control’ group of 3 week abstinent alcohol…

Our findings in Fresno County identified both similar and different risk factors for preterm birth

Additionally, rates of preterm birth by subgroup were examined. As previously described,pregnancies resulting in spontaneous preterm birth were considered to be those where birth certificate or hospital discharge records indicated premature rupture of membranes , premature labor, or those for whom tocolytic medications were administered. Pregnancies resulting in provider initiated preterm births were considered to be…

A number of salient social factors were identified as important determinants of mental health

All analyses were conducted using SAS R version 9.3 and adjusted by weights generated using RDSAT version 7.1.46 to reflect better population estimates. Descriptive statistics include crude frequencies and RDS-adjusted population parameters, the latter of which will be reported in-text. Multi-variable logistic regression was used to identify covariates for both dependent variables. AUDIT and HADS variables were…

The contributions of vascular and inflammatory processes to NCI in this study were profileand domain-specific

Given these similarities and the aging HIV population, there is a heightened need to distinguish vascular from non-vascular presentations of HAND, though the standard method of classifying HAND using Frascati criteria would not be able to distinguish the two phenotypically . Together these findings have generated increased interest in vascular contributions to NCI in ART-treated PWH…

More information regarding the promotional campaign can be found in the published protocol

Importantly digital therapeutics do not need to have a siloed focus on SUD treatment . Indeed, we have the opportunity to maximally benefit from what digital technology offers to embrace the co-occurring needs of patients. Digital therapeutics can arguably embrace whatever combination of needs a patient may have. They may focus on, for example, SUD…

Critical studies of ethnicity and substance use illustrate the relevance of socially-ascribed identity categories

An individual’s ability to choose an identity is constrained by social structure, context, and power relations. Structural constraints on identity formation cannot be ignored, as people do not exist as free floating entities but instead are influenced and constrained in various ways by their socioeconomic and geographical environment . As such, an identity is not…

Alcohol use was also not biologically verified in this study

As such, the present study may have been under powered to detect small effects sizes, which may account for the null findings regarding intervention effects on drinking outcomes. Future studies are encouraged to recruit larger samples of non-treatment seeking participants to better detect small effects. Furthermore, this finding should be considered in light of the sample,…