We used LC-MS to quantify the amount of substrate consumed by the reaction compared to the standard curve

From these initial observations we constructed a focused library with all but one of the constructs in the second library exhibiting activity at least 100-fold higher than WT NphB in an endpoint assay . The best two constructs, M23 and M31, exhibited dramatically improved activity and specificity. Both had kcat values 1000-fold higher than WT…

The next sections summarize third-generation bike sharing in the three main regions of the world

Though bike sharing began as a way to reduce motor vehicle use, Bonnette indicates that “both the first and second generation bike sharing schemes provided welcome opportunities to cycle but did not provide adequate enough support nor reliable service to alter motorized transportation choices and influence people to make significant changes .” The shortcomings of second-generation systems later…

Legalization of cultivation for personal use raises additional concerns about access and exposure

This should be understood and respected. The Kings frequently pointed to the fact that their usage was a product of a world dominated by technology, rationality and materialism that will destroy the world. For that reason, I feel it is necessary to accept the spiritual use of drugs to counteract the problems of the world…

The last common group of users is people who smoke or use cannabis for medical reasons

Recent drug cultures, such as the American hippie movement, have brought our attention to another aspect of marijuana usage, “mind expansion” . Rather than simple escapism, hippies used marijuana, and sometimes LSD as a way of experiencing what they consider to be a more real world. Another rationalization hippies give for the use of hallucinogens…

A card helps prevent the cops from confiscating cannabis if you are driving with a large amount of cannabis

While many hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and the like require an arduous production process, cannabis can theoretically be grown by anybody with adequate opportunity. Although not everybody has the capacity to grow high quality cannabis worth selling at a legitimate dispensary, everybody has the opportunity to grow it. Thus, police efforts at…

Hemp became even more popular when Virginia allowed hemp to be used in the paying of taxes

The direct reference is to Kanesh-bosem, which many scholars have suggested was the Hebrew word for, and the origin of the word Cannabis. Although not related to cannabis, it is worth noting that Benny Shannon , professor of psychology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem speculates that Moses was under the influence of a hallucinogen…

Cannabis Sativas usually have a high THC to CBD ratio while Cannabis Indicas have a higher CBD to THC ratio

Respondents generally describe the feelings in favorable or pleasurable terms. Others, such as the National Institute on Drug Abuse suggest that marijuana effects are frightening and alarming, and in large enough doses can produce paranoia and anxiety, and can even trigger the onset or relapse of schizophrenia in people predisposed to the condition . These same…

Farmers discussed parcel size as a potential factor that could influence where to locate a cannabis farm

Several interviewees mentioned that the climate in Josephine County was ideal for cannabis, while others expressed the belief that it was primarily grown in the region because of history and culture. One farmer mentioned that owning versus renting land for cannabis farming might change the relative importance of the physical factors of a parcel that…

More students believed they could find a resource or individual for themselves or a peer after going through RAYS

This study sought to address this gap in data collection through the inclusion of opentext and quantitative items in the posttest instrument to gather data on student perceptions of the RAYS program and their overall experiences. Items included in the survey assessed resource awareness, self-reflection of AOD use, and the likelihood of recommending the RAYS…