The designation of cannabis as a Schedule I drug was supposed to be a temporary measure

The difference between lived experience and official anti-cannabis propaganda raised a general skepticism toward state authority . Considering the growing awareness about the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco consumption, the draconian measures against cannabis looked increasingly arbitrary and unreasonable. Cannabis supporters believed that prohibitory policies violated their constitutional rights to privacy and freedom of…

We hesitate to speculate about the potential role of these genes in the etiology of cannabis use disorders

The genes that surpassed gene-based correction were C17orf58, BPTF and PPM1D. PPM1D is in a region of chromosome 17 that is well documented to be amplified in breast cancer , and the gene itself belongs to a family of serine/threonine phosphatases that are involved in stress signaling . On the other hand, BPTF was originally…

The idea of our model was to represent as near as possible “real world” conditions of human marijuana use

Cursory analyses with a cutoff of 1.5 shows apoptotic pathways as being significant for TSC exposure as well.It is important to note that the marijuana used for this study was obtained from a contracted supplier that provides marijuana for therapeutic use in Canada.It is grown under strictly controlled and documented conditions.Although this study has only examined smoke condensate from…

The coarse particles produced a naturally less dense material while the fine grade of shiv a naturally more dense material

In all cases the anisotropic internal structure of the material accounts for the clear variation in both mechanical and thermal properties of the material with testing direction. This is found to be most consistent in the thermal conductivity with a significantly lower thermal conductivity for all variations of hemp-lime in the parallel loading direction. As the…

The sides of the insulations were sealed with wax with aluminium foil on top to achieve unidirectional moisture flow

The MBV was calculated as mass change, Dm, per m2 and per DRH , based on the mean of last three cycles once dynamic equilibrium was attained. The dynamic equilibrium was considered to be attained when the change in mass, Dm , was less than 5% between the last three cycles. Two tests were carried…

Marijuana users also did not differ on total marijuana use episodes or lifetime dependence symptoms

The current findings of greater openness in marijuana users also fit within the framework put forth in studies of marijuana use motives. Specifically, out of five putative motives for marijuana use , highest endorsements have been reported for those that require openness, such as the enhancement motive , followed by social then expansion motives. Future studies are needed to directly examine…

Super-critical carbon dioxide is most commonly used for CBD due to its much milder supercritical condition

There are also some reports of CBD extraction using polar and non-polar mixed solvents for increased oil yield.However,mixed solvents sometimes result in more impurities and more complicated post processes that are needed.By principle,super-critical fluid is any substance at a temperature and pressure above its critical points but below the pressure required to compress it into solids.Under supercritical…

A measure of consumer concern over roadside drug testing was used to evaluate consumer perception of this association

Exclusion of a large portion of the original study sample for not having knowledge of hemp food’s recently legal status was regarded by the researchers as one indication of the early stage of diffusion of hemp food throughout the Australian population.The findings here,however,may indicate that marketing and conveyance of consumer information might be lacking and diffusion is…

There is now an urgent need for color tests that can differentiate between hemp and marijuana

CBD is also known for these beneficial properties but is non-psychoactive, so it does not give a person a “high” when used. Typically, hemp is CBD-rich containing low concentrations of THC causing its THC:CBD ratio to be below 1. Cannabis is considered marijuana when it has a concertation of total Δ9 – THC ≥ 0.3%…

Different initial lengths of HF were obtained using automatic milling and manual cutting

Depending on the fiber and polymer type, composition, treatment, processing conditions or the model used to determine this critical length, different Lc values were reported. As an example, Lc values ranging from 0.65 to 3.2mm were found for PP/HF composites using different methods. NF dimensions and mechanical properties of the composites are strongly influenced by the…