Among US adults , daily cannabis use was significantly more common among those with past-month serious psychological distress , compared to those without past-month SPD Systematic reviews have found associations between frequent cannabis use and hyperemesis syndrome , especially among young individuals reporting cannabis use, though co-occurring mental health problems appear common . In a meta-analytic…
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New South Wales also has a separate offence of driving with the presence of morphine in the driver’s blood or urine
In addition to the labelling and warning system, most Australian jurisdictions also have offences relating to driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs . These offences usually require a level of impairment in driving capacity caused by alcohol or other drug use, with this assessed based on evidence of a driver’s behaviour witnessed…
Secondhand smoke from cannabis may pose a similar risk to public health as tobacco SHS
The results of the mediation analysis did not support the hypothesis that changes in perceptions of the proportion of people who used cannabis between baseline and three-months were positively associated with reduction in the participant’s risky cannabis use at six-month follow-up . The analyses also did not demonstrate any evidence that these changes in perceptions…
Bootstrapping was used to calculate a bias-corrected confidence interval for the indirect effect
However, many cannabis users are interested in receiving self-help materials to help them evaluate their own cannabis use without formal treatment . It is possible then, that this emerging health issue could be partially addressed through the development, evaluation and dissemination of scalable interventions that can be self-administered by people who engage in risky cannabis…
A clear increase in clinic volume was observed as well as the effectiveness of the comprehensive screening process to admit eligible patients to the clinic
Recommendations for the use of safe and consistent products with certified laboratory testing and approval from the authorized regulatory agency is also essential. Following the appointment, a consultation report is sent to referring physicians including the detailed treatment plan, follow-up frequency and any specific recommendations such as monitoring of potential risk factors, adverse effects or…
Cannabinoids for rheumatic pain still constitute off label use
Rheumatic diseases are an important cause of chronic pain, usually difficult to treat with current analgesic treatments,and in the absence of a cure for the disease, the treatment of pain should be an important part of the integral management.Analgesic treatment consisting on NSAID, antidepressants and opioids are effective only in 10 to 25% of patients,and…
The endocannabinoid system is expressed throughout the ascending and the descending pathway
During the last decade, interest in cannabis in medicine has been increasing, and several countries, including United States and Canada, have produced their own legislation about marijuana and cannabis-based medicines.In 2017, 38 states and the District of Columbia allowed medical use of cannabis, and 8 states and the District of Columbia have legalized its recreational…
Cannabis is comparatively more prevalent among young males
Initial assessments suggest that the awareness of, and compliance with the LRCUG’s recommendations among cannabis users in Canada is reasonably good, but with room for improvement. Further evaluations are required. Because patterns and cultures of cannabis use are rather similar in New Zealand and North America, the LRCUG offer a readily available, credible and tested…
Adolescents more often have low risk perception of cannabis use
In Western Europe, the prevalence of cannabis use in boys decreased in a significant linear trend . In this study, the school level explained 13.4% of the outcome, which is in line with previous research , but the school funding level explained only 0.2%, which in Chile could be seen as a proxy for the family’s…
Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug, with an estimated 250 million active users globally
Although this was a small, non-controlled qualitative study without detailed cannabis use characterization, it was suggestive of cannabis’ positive effect on female sexual function and is consistent with the current report. In a similar interview-based study with 37 female cannabis, the authors found that frequent users reported increased sexual pleasure, orgasms, satisfaction, and intimacy compared…