The coefficient on the paragraph IV indicator variable is estimated to be significantly positive

These surveys are conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics to assess the use of ambulatory medical care in the US, through questionnaires sent to randomly selected hospitals and physicians’ offices. One part of the survey asks for information on “drug visits” during a fixed reference period. A drug visit occurs when a patient visits…

Most of the empirical analysis on the determinants of vertical integration has focused on efficiency motives

A common approach is to investigate the relationship between certain market characteristics – such as those associated with the importance of non-contractible relationship-specific investments – on the one hand, and the incidence or prevalence of vertical integration on the other. Numerous studies have found a significant relationship between non-contractible investment requirements and vertical integration.1 This…

All observations with complete data for any specific model were included in the analysis

The websites used to determine the locations of medical marijuana dispensaries and delivery services were obtained by conducting a comprehensive search of such databases available on the web and by asking dispensary owners where they advertise their services. These websites provide the most up-to-date information on locations of dispensaries as some offer free listing services…

Successes have been reported in high-profile anecdotes publicized by social media

Social contact among male mice stimulates the mobilization of anandamide in the nucleus accumbens , a key brain region for reward signaling, in an oxytocin-dependent manner. Conversely, in isolated male mice, specifically stimulating oxytocin neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus drives anandamide mobilization in the NAc. Consequent activation of CB1 receptors is necessary…

A primary physiological function of oxytocin is to heighten the saliency of social stimuli

CB1 receptors are also expressed throughout regions implicated in reward and addiction, including the central and basolateral amygdala, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, dorsolateral striatum, ventral tegmental area, and, to a lesser extent, the nucleus accumbens . These regions are considered key parts of the ‘social brain,’ based on imaging and network studies . The regional distribution…

All results were reported on a tissue wet weight basis and reviewed by a board certified toxicologist

We repeated all analyses with these variables and a summary scale reflecting the strength of controls on medical marijuana distribution, but these analyses failed to produce statistically significant results for any age group .Prior studies focusing on whether medical marijuana laws impact young people’s consumption of marijuana have produced mixed results. In the absence of…

The estimated density of home delivery retailers varied considerably across California block groups

These findings are notably different than a previous study in which perceptions of school safety, respect, and authoritative disciplinary style were each consistently predictive of beneficial social-emotional health outcomes including depression, stress, self-efficacy, grit, and hopelessness, which may hint at important differences between the determinants of these outcomes. There are several potential mechanisms for these findings…

The total mass loss of e-liquid and the generated particle mass both decreased with increasing VG fraction

Since the diacetyl/3-oxobutanal pair is slightly enhanced with VEA, this is in agreement with the fact that they are from different origins and both isomers are formed when VEA and THC are vaped together. In some cases, the mixture produced more carbonyl emissions compared to the pure compounds . Although this trend is less clear…

The ionization mechanism for PG and VG in the negative mode is cluster formation

Details of the identification and quantification methods have been previously described in detail.40 Briefly, carbonyls are derivatized in-situ into hydrazones with 2, 4- dinitrophenylhydrazine cartridges and extracted with 2 mL acetonitrile prior to analysis. Consecutive sampling with three DNPH cartridges in series showed that >98.4% of carbonyls were captured in the first cartridge. Consecutive solvent extractions of DNPH cartridges…

The chemical structures of a number of representative flavoring compounds are shown in Scheme 1.1c

Diacetyl is a chemical used as artificial flavor in candy, popcorn and other food items, while also used in e-liquids to provide a butter flavor. However, the inhalation of diacetyl may be associated with permanent lung damage like “popcorn lung” and trigger breathing problems, as well as wheezing or other forms of respiratory disease. Moreover, Khlystov…