The far more important aspect was making the Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act more enforceable

According to Butch Hug, the Director of Events for the Athletic Department, the decision to make the stadium smoke free had been in response to repeated complaints from fans that the smoking areas were not honored. The decision was first announced as part of a high school all-star game. “When it was announced, it was received…

Per capita tobacco consumption in Nebraska has been falling more slowly than the Unites States as whole

This technology could be used for rapid, flexible, scalable and cost-effective production of SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins, such as the full-length spike protein , spike protein fragments , or the nucleocapsid protein. These proteins, called antigens, bind specifically to SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in serological tests in Enzyme Linked Immunos orbent Assay or Lateral Flow Assay formats and can be used…

This finding suggests that these chemicals accumulate in carpets over years or decades

The similarity of variance ratios from two independent populations lends credibility to the findings reported in Chapter 7 and suggests that the levels of variability observed in concentrations of chemicals measured in dust from the Fresno Exposure Study residences may be generalized to other populations. In using the random-effects model to estimate variance components, it…

Accuracy ensures external validity and allows for comparison to findings from other studies

Environmental Protection Agency as probable carcinogens are most commonly measured in residential dust, namely, benzoanthracene, chrysene, benzofluoranthene, benzofluoranthene, benzopyrene, indenopyrene, and dibenzoanthracene . Table 4 shows summary statistics from studies which reported levels of these PAHs in residential dust. Residential dust appears to be an important source of direct exposure to PBDEs and PAHs, especially…

An online survey was also the most cost-effective means of reaching a large number of cannabis growers

Aspergillus has both outdoor and indoor sources, including the air and water systems, and is closely associated with indoor fungal particle emissions, while Alternaria is much less so. This suggests that while Aspergillus is an integral member indoor aerobiome, Alternaria presence may be correlated with an increased outdoor contribution to indoor. We found that Alternaria…

The remaining four Wallemia taxa occurred both indoors and outdoors

Occupants had a significant effect on total particle concentrations in the chamber air. Table 3 presents size-specific indoor/outdoor total particle number concentration ratios under three categories of occupancy conditions: zero, low , and high . In general, I/O ratios are influenced by particle removal through filtration of supply air, particle loss via deposition on chamber surfaces,…

Blood collection methods were the same for wild as for pen-reared pheasants sampled at game farms

These kinds of payoffs are still very much to be pursued, of course, and increased product market competition in a new free trade era adds to pressures for cost-saving technological advances. The application of modern electronics, materials, and biological research findings to farm production continue to increase the cognitive skill requirements of many farm jobs.…

Fewer than one in ten report using the phone number established by DIR for checking FLC legitimacy

An obvious reason for purchasing FLC and CH services is to improve stability of direct farm employment by reducing seasonal personnel transactions with people moving through task assignments that are by nature temporary.Entirely eliminating turnover in a business, however, is rarely either desirable or achievable. The farmer’s decision to extend a job offer and the…

The locations and polygons of urban parks and schools were obtained from Tele Atlas electronic maps

Given that our study area is surrounded by areas of intensive agriculture , we examined associations with surrogates for potential sources of airborne endotoxin [agricultural land cover and animal-feeding operations , urban parks, and schools] to assess whether proximity to these sources would have predictive power for spatial mapping. Specifically, we investigated associations of daily…