However, taking into account all these similarities and differences between the two regions, a comparative research could be valuable in order to understand the specificities of the relationship between life satisfaction and risk behaviors. As general satisfaction with life, perception of one’s own life compared with parents and the wish to stay in the same…
All posts by thump2022
Different studies have shown several factors that have a special influence on illicit drug consumption use in young people
Among these single subgroup studies, the majority focused specifically on the TW community, with only a few studies that were dedicated exclusively to TM populations. Interestingly, in the studies that did compare addiction prevalence rates between TGD subgroups, there was more evidence to suggest that TM were at a higher risk for most forms of…
There are various factors that differently affect the consumption of specific substances
To our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal survey that studies the changes of alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco consumption during the COVID-19 lockdown period in a cohort of teenagers from Central Catalonia. Our findings showed a general trend of reduction of binge drinking, hazardous drinking, hazardous consumption of cannabis, and daily tobacco smoking, among 14-…
Participants displayed a general tendency toward a belief that hemp food offered many health benefits
These crops are sources usually rich in fatty acids, sterols, phenolic compounds, and dietary fiber, which have mainly shown the ability to increase satiety and obesity control and prevent other different diseases. Many oils predominantly supply mostly essential linoleic and considerably less α-linolenic fatty acids; however, greater amounts of ALA are found in flaxseed, hempseed…
Substance use can be recreational or as a coping mechanism in difficult socioeconomic circumstances
The present study reports a higher prevalence of past-year use of psychoactive substance use in comparison to 4.1%, 4.4%, and 5.5% for the general population in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, and globally, respectively . Several other studies have similarly reported a higher prevalence of lifetime and past-year substance use in individuals with mental illness…
Traditional medicines are preferred over modern medicines or drugs for a variety of reasons
No such study has been conducted previously in this area, thus it will assist in providing valuable information to the ethnomedicinal research field, and such information is expected to be useful in the discovery of drugs . Such studies have been done indifferent parts of the world, including Pakistan, Nepal, Africa, America, Europe, Poland, Argentina,…
The factor which provided the greatest contribution to intention to consume hemp food was consumers’ normative beliefs
Subjective norms focused on consumers’ perceptions of what family, friends, peers and doctors would think of them consuming hemp food and whether they felt others like them would consume it as well. A high level of concern for the opinion of others and the mediating effect of the CBD construct on negative attitudes suggests that…
Modern breeding efforts to improve white lupin agronomic characteristics are very recent
Since micropropagation is performed in sterile conditions, it seems that an additional step should be considered to achieve a high germination rate.When a viable seed is not able to germinate under appropriate conditions, the seed is considered to be dormant.While cannabis seed is generally not thought to exhibit dormancy, it would appear that under these unusual…
This further highlights the fragility of the African net food importing model
Indeed, the spread of desertification threatening several African regions such as the Sahel and the Horn of Africa , may cause the potential concentration of livestock keeping in certain areas, in the form of more intensified livestock rearing, conceivably increasing land erosion . Furthermore, Africa’s ongoing vertiginous urbanisation at a 3.5% yearly rate is also expected to…
A gelled emulsion is a colloidal material in which oil-in-water emulsion coexists within a gel network
However, despite these regulations, several cases of contaminated cosmetic products have occurred on the UAE market . For example, a survey of 100 cosmetics and other personal care products available in the UAE found that 13% and 5% of samples were contaminated by yeast/mould and aerobic mesophilic bacteria, respectively . Another study in the same…