Findings suggest increased amygdala volume in female users compared to female non-users

Future research might better characterize the legislative goals of the cannabis industry using additional review of campaign expenditures, legislative testimony, and using key informant interviews. According to the 2011 Monitoring the Future Study, marijuana remains the most commonly used illicit drug in adolescence in the United States, one of few increasing in prevalence. In fact,…

Non-infectious pulmonary diagnoses were more common in both marijuana and tobacco smokers

Participants were followed until their first incident diagnosis, loss to follow-up, death, or end of study in 2014, whichever came first. For each outcome, models were fit separately for HIV+ and HIV− participants using two time-varying variables for marijuana and tobacco smoking: Model 1, current marijuana smoking and prior two-year average tobacco smoking , and Model 2,…

The tone of media coverage of cannabis-related issues also becomes more favorable

In other words, the federal government acknowledged the states’ lead in matters related to drug enforcement and allowed them to treat cannabis as a regulatory rather than a criminal matter . Several groups opposed the legalization of the recreational use of cannabis, the strongest of which were the pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, police unions, private…

The designation of cannabis as a Schedule I drug was supposed to be a temporary measure

The difference between lived experience and official anti-cannabis propaganda raised a general skepticism toward state authority . Considering the growing awareness about the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco consumption, the draconian measures against cannabis looked increasingly arbitrary and unreasonable. Cannabis supporters believed that prohibitory policies violated their constitutional rights to privacy and freedom of…

One agriculturalist reported receiving death threats after selling water to cannabis cultivators

At the 2018 town hall, and numerous prior meetings, they emphasized their status as legitimate community members — veterans, citizens, consumers of county goods, local property owners, “good” growers and medical users — not nuisances, criminals, foreigners or outsiders. In interviews and public forums many Hmong-American cultivators expressed a desire to comply with the rules.…

Data among our participants seem to support this as only 30% of those who were HIV negative reported current PrEP use

Our finding that interruptions in mental health care directly linked to substance use, which in turn was linked to other negative outcomes, suggests that strategies to ensure continuity of care among this population are critical. The interruptions in care during the COVID-19 pandemic may be partly explained by loss of employment and subsequent loss of…

We hesitate to speculate about the potential role of these genes in the etiology of cannabis use disorders

The genes that surpassed gene-based correction were C17orf58, BPTF and PPM1D. PPM1D is in a region of chromosome 17 that is well documented to be amplified in breast cancer , and the gene itself belongs to a family of serine/threonine phosphatases that are involved in stress signaling . On the other hand, BPTF was originally…

Results suggest that marijuana use can act as a barrier to graduate degree completion

Verbal learning, memory, executive functioning, IQ, and attention, which are critical for academic success, are impaired by both acute and chronic exposure to marijuana . Arria, Barrall, Allen, Bugbee, and Vincent suggest that the immediate, rewarding effects of substance use might lead to a re-prioritization of academic pursuits that are associated with longer-term rewards. This study…

A good agreement has been found between the experimental and numerical results of Glass/ Hemp

The experimental and simulation result of tensile tests of the different specimen has been displayed, as shown in Fig. 4. The simulation results have been calculated based on the input mechanical properties of the different fibers, which are listed in Table 1. Figure 4 shows the tensile load versus displacement curve. It is clear that…

An overview of the participant recruitment strategy is described in detail elsewhere

Numerous choline-containing compounds contribute to the tCho signal measured in this study,complicating the interpretation of this sex difference.For example,phosphatidylcholine plays an important role in the phospholipid bilayer in cell membranes,and choline is essential in the formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.Generally speaking,increases in choline signal in the brain have been demonstrated in cases with pathology.While this…