The results of these three approaches are dramatically different because the fixed intercept forces all lines to the same point while the floating intercept allows for very different linear fits to the data. Further research is needed into the equation that best fits the relationship between concentration and intensity scales.The predicted ODTC50 using the 0-12 scale…
All posts by thump2022
Exposures to environmental odors often result in complaints that local air inspectors must address
By contrast, it could reflect the increased prevalence of DM with age and the ability to detect an association with a lesser sample size when there is a greater cohort at risk for DM. The possible association of light marijuana use with decreased DM is similar to that of alcohol on DM and the metabolic syndrome,…
Calculations of addiction severity weight were guided by the ASI composites score weighting instructions
So often studies revealing correlations between ethnic categories and substance use related problems result in discussions about the importance of developing culturally-appropriate prevention and treatment interventions, overlooking the structural conditions that adversely affect socially-defined ethnic groupings and may result in some form of engagement with alcohol and/or drugs. For example, research on street cultures, where…
Other commonly used smoking-related terms did not exhibit a percentage drop of this magnitude
The purpose of this keyword filtering was to better isolate smoking-related conversations from all other Twitter discussions occurring on college campuses. After tweets were manually reviewed to positively identify smoking-related conversations originating in these college campuses, a snowball sampling design was employed which compared the frequency of all non-keyword terms in “signal” tweets with the…
The potential harm reduction benefit of smokeless tobacco most likely varies by country and cultural norms
National data from 2011 to 2014 indicate that in the first year of implementation, penalized smokers were less likely to be insured and the penalty did not encourage cessation . Charging smokers higher insurance premiums could discourage getting health insurance or lead to concealment of one’s smoking status; either would reduce opportunities for treatment. Tobacco…
Tolerance develops to many of the effects of nicotine with re peated exposures
It appears that the dependence liability of inhaled nicotine is also influenced by other constituents of tobacco smoke, such as chemicals that inhibit monoamine oxidase , an enzyme that degrades neurotransmitters released by nicotine, discussed in more detail later. Furthermore, dependence on nicotine from medications that deliver nicotine slowly appears to be low. On average,…
Several therapeutic strategies focus with limited scientific evidence solely on targeting anatomical structures
To effectively address this issue for people with schizophrenia, we recommend that policymakers permit reimbursement of HCV screening in behavioral health care settings. In 2012, the CDC newly recommended one-time HCV screening for adults born during 1945–1965 given the high prevalence of persistent chronic HCV infection in this population.During 2011–2016, significant HCV infection was most…
Treatment for LAAR-induced coagulopathy outside the initial ED stay has proven to be difficult
Cortisol output is not, however, the only method of assessing HPA axis function. In addition to endocrine measurement neuroimaging can be used to determine pituitary and hippocampal volume and density, distribution and/or affinity of glucocorticoid/mineralocorticoid receptors. The latter is particularly important as these receptors mediate the effects of glucocorticoids on cellular targets. As a related point, future…
The appendix provides complete tables for all age ranges
Since the principal objective is to determine whether there are age-varying effects of the predictive variables, survival analysis using standard Cox proportional hazards models in which effects are age invariant is not appropriate. In addition, such models cannot account for differential effects on survival which are the result of unmeasured heterogeneity in the sample. DTSA provides an…
This might have been particularly informative during the month of the Sun God Festival
Less consistent contributors to those regression analyses included age , female sex , EA ethnicity, cannabis use , and DTC with stress . When considered in the context of other predictors in these regression analyses, usual drinking quantities, baseline alcohol problems, alcohol expectancies, and peer drinking did not add significantly. The proportions of the variance explained…