Compromises and deal-making surrounded what would eventually become Proposition 303

Initially, when the voluntary health organizations thought Hull would cut TEPP’s revenue of about $25 million a year to $5.4 million a year, they considered a referendum to stop Hull’s proposed budget bill.This would have required gathering over 51,000 signatures in 90 days to prevent the bill cutting TEPP from going into effect, and would…

The same research group studied 259 salt miners in five mines with different diesel exposures

Concentrations were higher in homes with tobacco smoking. Phenanthrene, for example, was 87 ng/m3 for homes with smoking and gas stove/heat versus 31 ng/m3 for nonsmoking homes with gas stove/heat. PAH concentrations are also likely to be higher where there is a high density of trucks, such as downtown Los Angeles, California, where DE was…

Particle bounce in the impactors could potentially bias the reported size distributions

The outdoor environment near the building was highly vegetated and consisted of a tree-lined street with lawn and flower gardens. There were no green plants in the room, nor were they common throughout the building. During the occupied and vacant experiments, all windows and doors were closed and conditioned air was delivered by the building…

It is designed to gauge how likely an author, site or post will gain or influence public attention

Following segmentation into different customer clusters, targeted marketing can conserve significant costs by communicating product information to the most relevant audience in the most effective way. Outside of corporate marketing, data from social media has also been mined and analyzed to understand public opinions around government development initiatives , monitor public response to disease outbreaks ,…

One aspect of the state’s marijuana industry in a nascent phase is marijuana tourism

Approximately nine percent of adults reported consuming cannabis in some form at least once a month. Based on a survey about frequency of use, Light et al. estimate that the total marijuana demand in the state is 121.4 metric tons annually . According to their methodology, individuals that consume cannabis daily constitute about one-fifth of…

A single item assessed currently taking prescribed medications for a psychiatric diagnosis

A study found that people were significantly more likely to disclose personal information to artificial intelligence when they believed it was computer- rather than human-monitored. Users can develop a strong therapeutic alliance in the absence of face-to-face contact, even with a nonhuman app. Digital environments can promote honest disclosure due to greater ease of processing…

It has been proposed that there are in fact four alleles of a single sex determination locus in U. dioica

Cannabis spp. on the other hand has true sex chromosomes that exist as a heterochromatic pair where XX defines female and XY defines male. Cannabis was known in the literature to be under XY control as early as 1927 when female plants were damaged by having branches removed at an early stage of blooming, giving…

Slow dose titration and ongoing patient monitoring is also recommended

However, use of GHB as a recreational drug raises concern regarding the abuse potential of SMO. Indeed, in another clinical study with a sample of 48 participants, craving for SMO was observed in 10% of participants with psychiatric comorbidities, indicating that patients may be at risk of developing craving for and abusing SMO. SMO may…