The overarching aims of RJPs are to restore communities and repair any harm done, similar to punitive measures; however, the main difference being a focus on strengthening relationships and reintegration for the offender.Current methods for evaluating RJP programs and their respective components have mainly been implemented to assess impact and effectiveness on variables of interest.…
All posts by thump2022
Observational study designs have been at the forefront of RJP program evaluations
Gregory and colleagues examined the effectiveness of RJP policies and implementation in minimizing the suspension gap between White students and students of color. Researchers have utilized multi-level modeling of existing school discipline records to examine differences in suspensions and expulsions between schools implementing RJP programs and those utilizing punitive measures. Others have taken a population-level approach,…
A malaria-Ab ELISA colorimetric detection kit was used to test functionality of the fabricated automated platform
Commercial 3D printers are beginning to challenge the resolutions achievable by soft lithography. Inkjet 3D printing is based on inkjet technology and can operate in continuous or drop-on-demand mode. To achieve high accuracy performance in i3DP, there are four critical elements that must be considered: ink material, substrate properties, printing platform, and droplet generation. Inconsistency…
The questionnaires contained one question asking about wild plant consumption during periods of food shortage
After calculating these indices, this knowledge was further organized to explore the cultural importance of these plants, habitat distribution and use in contextualizing adaptive capacity. Outings, informal group discussions, and long-term presence in Hutsulshchyna with key elders allowed for the development of shared trust and the witnessing of lived knowledge. By delving into these qualitative…
These plants have importance due to their spontaneous inclusion in the discussion
A second field season consisted of conducting follow-up interviews with community members, along with Hutsul mycologist, Maria Pasailiuk. We asked questions to further clarify species names and uses, as well as conducted participant observation. Particular attention was paid to gathering practices and plant names used, whether they were Hutsul, common or scientific names. Throughout both field…
The most cited ethnobotanical uses of species are medicine and food
Little or no research on marketing codes, sustainability, employee protections, and diversity within the industry has been performed, including whether incubator programs provide applicants with full business autonomy. Additional research is also needed to address the reasons cannabis companies choose to focus on some issues and exclude others in their CSR activities . Otañez and Vergara…
The corresponding p-value was significant further indicating the evidence of miscalibration
Integral to this approach is the development of an Indigenous Statistical Space , which comprises three essential components: 1) standpoint, which encompasses the situated and reflexive positionality of the researcher within the context of the empirical work; 2) theoretical framework, which provides a conceptual lens through which to interpret and analyze data from an Indigenous…
LCA has been widely used in the alcohol and drug policy literature to classify regulatory approaches
There are viable arguments for and against modeling cannabis policies after alcohol. Those against coordination argue that existing approaches to regulating alcohol have flaws that should not be carried over to cannabis. For example, whereas successful approaches to tobacco control typically involve robust demand reduction policies, some publicly-funded education campaigns painted alcohol as an appealing…
The future path of the CI value for ethanol will depend on technology development and adoption
By similar calculations, the 90% confidence interval for consumption of diesel falls between a 10 percent reduction and 75 percent increase from current levels by 2030. The range of possibilities for diesel consumption is shown in Figure 17b. Lastly, VMT increases above current levels in 90% of the draws as shown in Figure 17c. VMT…
There are three important findings that emerge from the analysis in this section
Rack sellers can purchase bulk petroleum diesel and BBD and blend them, then sell the blended fuel to retailers at the rack. Retailers, or rack buyers, can also purchase bulk petroleum diesel and BBD above the rack and store and blend the fuels at the retail station.For both the tax and subsidy pass through analyses,…