As with the PCA results, cows appeared fairly evenly spread along this linear object, with no clear clustering to suggest social cohesion amongst large or temporally persistent subgroups. Comparing these results with the embedding of the permutated queue records , no clear geometric features were recovered from data simulated from a purely random queueing strategy.…
All posts in January 2025
Neural networks are arguably the most powerful of such techniques
The discrete effect for parity, the linear term for day, and the interaction effect all now have a biologically and statistically significant impact on expected lying time. In visualizing this dynamic in Figure 3, the consultant can now clearly see that during the first half of the observation interval, the mature cows are hogging the free…
Transplant ammonium also showed a significant positive correlation with clay content
We therefore identified Sordariomycetes as a dry farm indicator taxa, or a sort of dry farm “signature”. We included the Sordariomycetes count in models as an indication of how much the soil had shifted towards a dry farm-influenced community . AMF taxa were notably absent as discriminative taxa and PERMANOVA did not show a difference…
The gold standard for measuring the impact of interventions or programs is the randomized control trial
Contracts can take on a large variety of forms . They can help SHFs overcome market failures and government failures . For example, a contract in an out grower scheme with a sugar plantation in Kenya provides index insurance to individual farmers with the premium deducted from harvest-time payment for product delivery , providing a rare…
The CA included practices where at least one crop was under zerotillage with or without residue retention
Agricultural practices that increase SOC also supports higher and sustained food production, improved soil health, multiple ecosystem services, and reduced environmental footprints. This can be a win-win solution for farmers and society as a whole .A global meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the potential SOC sequestration in the soils of South Asia, and the potential…
We observed the highest CH4 fluxes during the spring season of 2020 after heavy precipitation events
Methane fluxes from the manure ponds had a robust diurnal pattern, increasing with air and surface pond temperatures. As such, latent heat flux and CH4 flux also had a strong positive diurnal relationship, especially during the pre-sedimentation stage. Higher wind speed and friction velocity also increased diurnal maxima of CH4 fluxes. Rising lagoon temperatures and…
Whole-air samples were collected at the same height of the mobile laboratory inlet
Continuous measurements of greenhouse gases and pollutants were collected using a mobile platform , consisting of analyzers using the Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy technique , global satellite positioning unit to record geolocation and vehicle speed, 2-D sonic anemometer to measure wind direction, wind speed, air temperature and relative humidity, and calibration tanks. The following trace gas…