More research is required to understand delta-wide trends of sustainable and intense practices

Further research is needed to understand why the correlation exists between reduced tillage and machinery and fertilizer use.There are very distinct differences in technological adoption between plots on which men have decision-making power and plots that are female-managed only . On average, male influence increases adoption of SI practices by 15 percent. The exception is water-saving…

The study also uniquely explores the gendered implications of the recent SI push in Vietnamese agriculture

A coarse resolution WRF simulation is run for the entire period to be downscaled, while for only a subset of that period a nested version of the same model is run at high resolution. The period over which the coarse and high-resolution runs overlap is called the training period, while the remaining portion is termed…

Finding a common language through which to engage is at the heart of this current gap in soil health research

Establishing definitions of soil health among farmers in this study was important to gauge as a starting point to discuss soil fertility, and also for selecting fields used for soil testing. Among farmers in this case study, there was general consensus on defining soil health, with strong overlap in the particular language used by farmers.…

The semi-structured interview is the most standard technique for gathering local knowledge

This broader finding is significant because it supports emergent research that suggests that while management certainly contributes to soil quality, inherent characteristics of the soil in a given field may place limits on achievable organic matter levels on organic farms . Based on our findings, it is evident that even along minimal gradients in soil texture…

Interviews were conducted in person on farms to ensure consistency and to help put farmers at ease

A brief in-person survey that asked a few demographic questions was administered at the end of the semi-structured interviews. The interviews typically lasted two hours and were recorded with permission from the interviewee.The organic farmers in Yolo County that were interviewed for this study demonstrated wide and deep knowledge of their farming systems. Results show…

House-work substitution between male and female members of the household is limited

The field experiment was “natural” in the sense that job-seekers applied to a position in the exact same way that they would have done in the absence of the research team. Because households themselves selected into the “mother applied” and “father applied” groups, I analyze the two sub-samples separately. In section 7, I analyze selection into…

The chi-square tests give no indication of systematic team assignment in any of the three sample periods

Identification of the productivity effects of ethnic diversity is complicated by the fact that individuals typically sort into joint production, or are assigned to production units so as to maximize productivity. Any third factor that influences both a team’s productivity and its ethnicity configuration will induce spurious correlation between team output and diversity. The plant…

Evapotranspiration or ET is the combined use of water by plants and loss of water into the air

For new farmers, and urban farmers in particular, finding the resources and in some instances the space for greenhouse propagation can be a challenge. Some farms contract with commercial nurseries or larger farms with available greenhouse space to grow their seedlings. While this may provide some benefits, including saving time, labor, and the need for…

The grain yield of DSR is greatly affected by local climate and water and fertilizer management

The amount and distribution of both rainfall and irrigation during these two rice-growing seasons are shown in Fig. 1. During the 2009 season, the total rainfall of 97.4 cm was higher than the long-term average and occurred mainly during the first three months of the crop growth. During the 2008 season,the total rainfall of only about…

Such differences in marginal probabilities prevent the raw cell counts from being directly compared

To overcome this issue, the LIT package by default provides entropy estimators based on the ML frequency estimates, but allows users to select from a range of bias-corrected frequency estimates available in the entropy package .Not only can the impact of latent factors on either behavioral measure differ in magnitude, but we can also anticipate…