As such, these results reflect self-reported symptoms, and the extent to which they generalize to psychiatric diagnoses is unclear. Future work utilizing structured clinical interviews are warranted to identify diagnoses associated with conventional and ecigarette use. This is first the investigation to characterize adolescent psychiatric comorbidity in an era when the extensive popularity of e-cigarettes in youth is now clearly established. The current data are of use for policy and tobacco and mental illness intervention by elucidating a subpopulation based on mental health status that may be at higher risk for use of traditional and emerging tobacco products. Describing patterns of psychiatric comorbidity between different forms of tobacco product use in teens provides clues to practitioners on assessment and intervention. For instance, these findings suggest that if a teen is a dual user or conventional cigarette smoker, she or he may be more likely to have comorbid mental health problems than teens who use e-cigarettes only; practitioners should thus make mental health assessment a priority such populations. Similarly, these findings suggest that teens with mild levels of emotional pathology may nonetheless be at elevated likelihood of ecigarette use and should be asked by practitioners about their e-cigarette use patterns, particularly given recent evidence that teens who use e-cigarettes are more likely to initiate combustible tobacco product use.. These results also raise the possibility that adolescents with more severe and pervasive mental health problems could be more vulnerable to factors that increase risk of initiation of e-cigarettes and dual use in teen populations.
Some of these risk factors could be targeted via regulation or intervention . The current results may also have implications for patterns of comorbidity that are likely to arise in the future. Namely,plant benches emotionally-healthier individuals who previously might be deterred from using any tobacco products may now be at risk for uptake of e-cigarettes or other emerging products. Furthermore, individuals with certain behavioral comorbidities may be more prone to use multiple products, which may alter the trajectory of future conventional cigarette smoking in patterns that remain to be seen. The number of incarcerated older adults is increasing in the United States , as the population of adults age > 55 in prisons increased 280% from 1999 to 2016.Incarcerated adults have high rates of HIV/AIDS, cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease,mental illness,and substance use disorders .The population of community-dwelling older adults who are involved in the criminal justice system is also growing. Middle-aged and older justice involved adults are at high risk for these same chronic conditions,and are more likely to experience a higher burden of medical multi-morbidity and geriatric conditions.Yet the amount of intersection of chronic disease alongside mental illness and SUDs in older justice involved adults is unknown. Most studies about co-occurring conditions in the US prison population focuses on mental illness and SUDs among younger adults. However, medical multi-morbidity, mental illness, and SUDs are all frequently interrelated and place individuals at risk for adverse outcomes. In general, older adults with multiple conditions have high rates of healthcare utilization and receive poorly coordinated care.Therefore, older justice-involved adults, many of whom have a history of poor access to healthcare and social services, are even less likely to receive coordinated care that addresses cooccurring conditions.
This is particularly important for adults who are returning to the community from correctional institutions,a period that represents high susceptibility to health related mortality.Few studies have estimated the prevalence of medical multi-morbidity, mental illness, and SUDs among older justice-involved adults,and none have examined their cooccurrence. Therefore, this study aims to use nationally representative data to describe the health of middle-aged and older justice-involved adults through a multi-morbidity framework to inform the development of multidisciplinary interventions.We performed data analysis on the 2015 through 2018 administrations of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health . NSDUH is a nationally representative annual cross-sectional survey of non-institutionalized, community living individuals in the USA.Surveys are administered via computer-assisted interviewing conducted by an interviewer and audio computer-assisted self-interviewing. Sample weights are provided by NSDUH to account for the complex survey design, non-response, selection probability, and population distribution. We limited analysis to individuals age ≥ 50 .NSDUH includes an indicator for past-year mental illness developed and validated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and National Institute of Mental Health, which is based on responses to specific questions.The items include level of depression, emotional distress, functional impairment, and suicidal thoughts. The responses from each individual are coded into a variable indicating mild, moderate, and severe mental illness. Our definition for mental illness was limited to moderate or severe mental illness, equivalent to a Global Assessment of Functioning score of < 60.Participants were asked if they have been told by a doctor that they have asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , cancer, cirrhosis, diabetes, a heart condition, hepatitis B or C, high blood pressure, HIV/AIDS, or kidney disease.
We also coded a variable indicating whether participants reported being diagnosed with ≥ 2 conditions to indicate medical multi-morbidity.Participants reporting past-year use of psychoactive substances were asked to answer DSM-IV questions about potential “abuse” and “dependence.” Similar to other studies,while NSDUH is not a diagnostic interview, we considered the proxy diagnoses of either as pastyear SUD. The specific substances queried included use of alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and prescription opioids, stimulants, and tranquilizers or sedatives, with the latter two categories including benzodiazepines, muscle relaxants, zolpidem, eszopiclone, zaleplon products, and barbiturates.We estimated the prevalence of criminal justice involvement and compared whether there were differences in criminal justice involvement based on demographics, mental illness, medical multi-morbidity, and SUDs. Bivariable comparisons were conducted using Rao-Scott chi-square to determine differences for each of these conditions with respect to past-year justice involvement. Next, using separate multivariable models which used forced entry of covariates, we determined whether criminal justice involvement was associated with each outcome,rolling bench and with co-occurrence of outcomes. This resulted in 16 separate multi-variable models which controlled for demographic characteristics . To account for potential family-wise error resulting from multiple models, we used a Bonferroni statistical correction to determine significance. We also ensured that multicollinearity was not present. Weights were included in all analyses and Stata 13 SE was used to analyze all data and we used Taylor series estimation to provide accurate standard errors.Secondary analysis of this publicly available data was exempt for review by New York University’s Institutional Review Board.This study of adults age ≥ 50 living in the community with involvement in the criminal justice system found a high prevalence of SUDs and mental illness and is consistent with past research.While most SUD interventions for criminal justice populations focus on opioids and alcohol,our study adds a more granular examination of SUD patterns and reveals a high prevalence of alcohol, opioid, cocaine, and methamphetamine use disorders. As older adults who use stimulants may be at particularly high risk for death,these findings should be considered in harm reduction interventions targeting this population. While middle-aged and older adults with justice involvement have high rates of opioid use disorder, only a small percentage of justice involved adults receive evidence-based medications .Increasing the availability of medications for opioid use disorder for justice-involved adults, such as low-threshold buprenorphine programs,especially for older adults with chronic medical disease is critical to reduce the risk of health-related harms and overdose.While we found a higher prevalence of cirrhosis, hepatitis, and COPD, consistent with prior studies of incarcerated adults,we did not identify a higher prevalence of medical multi-morbidity. This may be due to differences in the definition of medical multi-morbidity from other studies.In addition, we found a lower percentage of hypertension among justice-involved adults and no significant difference in heart disease, which contrasts with the literature of higher rates of cardiovascular disease and hypertension among recently incarcerated adults.This could be because this population may have more limited access to healthcare and therefore have fewer opportunities to receive a medical diagnosis.
Furthermore, we used national data of justice-involved adults who are living in the community, which may differ from other studies that have a heterogeneity of justice-involved populations.Despite similar rates of medical multi-morbidity in justice- and non-justice-involved middle-aged and older adults, we found justice-involved adults age ≥ 50 still had higher odds of having two or more co-occurring chronic conditions compared with those not justice involved. In particular, our sensitivity analysis showed that those who were arrested or booked had higher odds of having mental illness and experiencing co-occurring conditions relative to those on probation or parole. Thus, recent arrestees may represent a particularly high-risk group within middle-aged and older justice-involved adults that has implications for targeted interventions. Mental illness and SUDs themselves are chronic diseases and therefore coupled with chronic medical diseases can represent a compound multi-morbidity. The intersection of substance use, mental illness, and medical multi-morbidity is complex and such high levels of multi-morbidity among justice involved middle-aged and older adults place this population at risk for poor outcomes. Interventions for this population must consider the interplay between each condition and how it contributes to overall multi-morbidity to reduce harms and improve the management of chronic diseases. Several interventions have been developed or proposed to address either mental illness, SUD, or chronic medical diseases in this population, especially for those transitioning back to the community.Our results highlight the need to address these problems simultaneously. Existing multi-morbidity models of geriatric-based care are best suited to accomplish this but must incorporate treatment for SUD and mental illness with traditional models that address medical multi-morbidity, functional health, and geriatric conditions. The ability to integrate geriatric-based care with addiction medicine will be critical given the high prevalence of SUDs in this population. Our study has limitations in that information is self-reported and therefore susceptible to limited recall and social desirability bias. Multiple testing could be a limitation, but test results remained significant in light of a Bonferroni correction . In addition, our study is limited to community-living, justice-involved adults age 50 and older and not representative of adults currently incarcerated or sub-populations of justice-involved adults such as homeless individuals who do not use shelters or adults living in institutional group quarters. Also, this paper focused on any criminal justice involvement. Sensitivity tests found that many associations appear driven by recent arrestees, but we must keep in mind that only a small percentage of participants were on probation or parole and this could have limited our tests. Finally, NSDUH does not include a diagnostic interview. Responses to survey questions related to mental illness and SUD are used to determine proxy diagnosis and not a direct diagnosis. However, these proxy diagnoses in NSDUH are used extensively in the literature.Despite these limitations, this study using nationally representative data finds that middle-aged and older justice involved adults living in the community are at increased risk for co-occurring morbidity from medical multi-morbidity, mental illness, and SUDs. As most research focused on justice-involved populations examine SUDs and psychiatric illness among younger adults, our study adds to the literature by focusing on middle-aged and older adults who not only also experience high rates of SUD and mental illness but also are at higher risk for chronic medical diseases. Finally, this study indicates the need to consider how co-occurring conditions contribute to poor health outcomes to deliver patient centered care to an often-overlooked medically vulnerable population.A considerable number of people with HIV report sleep disturbance, with some studies estimating the prevalence of symptoms to be up to five times that of the general population . PWH face a variety of unique social , physical , and socioeconomic stressors , which may influence sleep disturbance . Prolonged poor sleep quality among PWH is associated with anxiety, depression, loss of productivity, interference with employment, physiologic stress, and poorer quality of life . Methamphetamine , a central nervous system stimulant, is among the most commonly used addictive drugs, with 35 million users per year worldwide . PWH and individuals at risk for HIV transmission, such as men who have sex with men, have a particularly high prevalence of MA use . A recent study on MA-dependent gay and bisexual men reported the prevlance of HIV infection to be 63% . Among PWH, MA is linked to accelerated viral replication, more rapid progression to AIDS, reduced effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy , and increased immune suppression .